Welcome to the

5-Figure ProductLaunch Lab

The ONLY science project in the world that helps you

launch your products without the stress and own the chemistry of you and your 5-figure success










Let's get launching SAVE $100 use code LAUNCHER
Doors close soon


What happens inside the lab… doesn’t stay inside the lab!

(Because it multiplies into dollar dollar bills, girlfriend.)

Here’s what The 5-Figure Product Launch Lab is about.


“Working with Kate, I made over 5 figures in 48hrs and 5k of recurring revenue for my subscription boxes.”

- Liv


Look, I am going to get REAL here.

Stress-free launching. Sustainable eCommerce business. Sold out products. All without giving a buck to Zuck.

Girlfriend, that’s YOUR future self.

And at this point, she’s ready to take off. .


But first, here’s what she thinks…

  • Energy, time, and money—you’ve shelled out that much for your product already, but you still don’t know how to hit the ground running. (not to mention, the 78359 Google search results aren’t even helping)
  • You’ve launched your products once. Or twice. Or thrice. But the past results only gave you a silence so loud you heard that voice in your head telling you to just sell it for half the price. (Uhm naurrr, we don’t do that here.)
  • You are SO close to filing that resignation letter and quitting your 9-5 to claim the 5-9 figure life… but honestly, the idea of making no sales haunts you like a science fair volcano about to erupt.
  • Unless you’re a marketing guru, running ads for your products frankly looks like an unsolvable math equation, especially with a tight budget (#yafeelme), but you have no idea how else to market your products like a boss.
  • Selling for the sake of is NOT what you signed up for. You don’t want your customers to be just one-time flings. You want them to be so happy that they keep coming back for more.

Most importantly…

  • You’re done freaking out and getting burnt out. Enter the thought of launching which stresses you out. Your ULTIMATE goal? To get SOLD OUT!!!

And that’s EXACTLY what this lab is about.

To help you get SOLD OUT.

To help you love launching so badly it would no longer feel like science fiction.

To help you turn a microscopic business into a booming eCommerce ready to rock the (digital) world.


Welcome to the

5-Figure ProductLaunch Lab

An 8-stage self-paced program that fuses the science of launch strategy and an impact-focused community

Carefully invented for product-based business owners, we are unearthing THE secret ingredients that you need so you can have

  • Calculated business foundations
  • Can’t-say-no-to offers
  • A magnetized audience
  • A healthy email list
  • Skyrocketing product launches


Emphasis on SSSS. Because launching doesn’t just mean opening doors for the first time.

Launching also means…

Introducing a new product to your audience

Bringing an existing product back on the market

Relaunching an existing product to a new market

Rolling out a subscription box or collection

Rebranding your business

Kicking off a sale event or celebration

Yep, the most successful businesses NEVER stop launching. And your business is about to be one of them.

I'm Ready to Launch

Ready your lab gowns and safety goggles.

Let’s dissect the anatomy of the


Need more answers?

Hmmm... Need more answers?

No problem! 

Scroll on, girl; let me fill you in:


Stage One

The Scientific Ingredients to Strong Launching

No time wasted as you will learn not only the basics from the get-go, but also the core areas of your eCommerce business that you need to focus on for the long haul.

  • Understanding your business vision and foundations
  • Getting clear on your values, time commitments, and investment parameters
  • Formulating your core message and what makes your brand who it is
  • Figuring out the precise target market to attract for maximum conversion
  • Mapping out the BIG goals that you are mixing

Stage Two

Cocktailing an Irresistible Offer

Expect to cook up your secret sauce at this stage. You will leverage the power of pricing, bundling, and storytelling strategies for your products.

  • Boiling down your product outline and story (aka THE secret sauce)
  • Discovering your launch offers’ unique selling point and the date of your launch
  • Breaking down prices to ensure your business will be financially rewarding

Stage Three

Building an Awestruck Audience

The key to SELLING OUT is STANDING OUT. In this stage, you will get the hang of maximizing the winning tools, tactics, and best practices to put your products in front of your market.

  • Building and boosting your online presence
  • Using social strategies and refining the buyer journey like a mad scientist
  • Forging a deep understanding that consistency is key to success
  • Supersizing collaborations, influencer marketing, and giveaways

Stage Four

Brace for Impact! The Big Lab BOOM!

We are shaking things up as you gain more critical insights into who your customers are, and the bestest way to prime them for your lift-off.

  • Hyping up your launch
  • Setting expectations for your ideal customer
  • Magnetizing your audience so they keep coming back for more

Stage Five

Mix, Shake, and Stir Your Big List

We are stretching your online presence to the max as we insert emails into the equation. And hey, I’ve already run the tests so you don’t have to. All you’re left to do is gather the right people to your list, and keep them.

  • Molding your email list
  • Mastering email automation inside out
  • Nurturing your people and doing it in a way that sells
  • Maximizing promotions to expand your email list

Stage Six

Put On Pre-Launch Goggles

As you prepare for take-off, you will need to buckle up and master an often overlooked but highly critical stage —pre-launching, and all the ways to successfully prime your people.

  • Unpacking the secrets to a HIGH-IMPACT launch
  • Knowing the key to MAXIMUM sales
  • The vital foundations required before your product launch
  • Preparing your mindset potion for launching
  • Getting ready to push. that. button.

The Launch Blast-off

The Launch BLAST OFF!

The moment you’ve been waiting for! This is where you’ll put theory into practice and flaunt your new (or old) product, promo, event, or business to the world!

Now is where I prepare you to:

  • Pushing the launch button!
  • Launching doesn’t mean stopping. Keep going!
  • Navigating the moving parts of a successful launch
  • Revealing the right strategies for an exciting and stress-free launching
  • Dramatically reducing your overwhelm during the launch

Stage Eight

The Post-Launch Review aka Lab Notes

Nope, we’re not done yet! Quite frankly, we’re just getting started. This stage is about learning from the launch and setting your business up for bigger, bolder, and badder success.

  • Discovering all the things you need to know about your launch
  • Dissecting what worked, how greatly it worked, and what didn’t
  • Inspecting what resonated well with your audience and what didn’t
  • Unveiling the overview of the outcome so you can celebrate, refine, and repeat it next time! (Hint: This isn’t just about numbers!)

BONUS: A science project plus MORE

This lab also includes

The Launch Vault

  • Done-for-you templates
  • Trello boards
  • Birds-eye-view launch guides

Truth is, everything you do has been done before. This is your VIP vault where you can access it all for your next flawless launch.

I'm Ready To Launch!

Don’t just take it from me, lovely.

Take it from the ladies who had a flawless launch.


Alright, alright buckle up and let’s round up EVERYTHING you’ll scoop up when you get inside the lab

Lifetime access to the course 


Remember what I said earlier? Launching NEVER stops, and so should learning! Yep, you don’t just get to keep what you learn in the lab, you also get access to the latest updates forever!

My 8-step launch framework

($10,000 value)

The EXACT launch strategies and launch plan boiled down to a science—tested and simplified for you to apply over and over so you can launch BIG again and again

The Launch Vault

($197 value)

Turning your “What’s now?” into “Let’s launch NOW,” these pre-made lab templates, lists, boards, and visuals got you covered whenever you’re in the zone of planning and brainstorming for your launch posts and emails.

Recorded Coaching Calls and Q&As

($2,500 value)

Your top-of-mind questions are likely questions that past students have asked before. That’s why I’m giving you access to 8X recorded calls that answered it all.

Exclusive access to The Launch Lab Community


Learn what goes into the early stages of piloting a successful online product business (the exact launch runway model as I call it). A separate course with a $397 value, but FREE for you.

My Launch Runway Course

($397 value)

Learn what goes into the early stages of piloting a successful online product business (the exact launch runway model as I call it). A separate course with a $397 value, but FREE for you

Intro to Klaviyo Lessons

($97 value)

Mixing it up with your Stage 5 learnings, we’re going ALL IN on your online presence, email marketing included. Klaviyo is a goldmine for automating, tracking, and designing emails conveniently.

Invite to 4X Live Group Zoom Calls with me

($1,000 value)

I want you to walk out of this lab feeling CONFIDENT and CONTENTED. That’s why we’ll be jumping on live calls whether for diving deep into the lessons, Q&As, or real-time training.


Total Value of the Launch Lab


+ all things priceless


“After 5 months of launching my biz I had my first $23K month, thanks Kate for your launch wisdom.”

- Bridie



$697 AUD





4X Flexible Payment

$220 AUD



Hear from some of my Launch ladies



Walking Launching the talk

Meet some of my launch results.

Sold 1200 pieces in 3 days

Logan & Alice Teethers


Hey, I’m Kate McDonald,

Your Product Launch Lab Boss, Strategy Master, and Coach

I’ll be the first to say—
Your business is science.

Not a mere hobby.
Not a forever side hustle.
Not less than a 9-5 day job.

It’s something that should be taken seriously—one like science, where the only component missing is application.

From starting my own eCommerce store 5 years ago whilst working multiple jobs, growing humans, and running a household to single-handedly and ORGANICALLY creating, launching, and scaling multiple 6-figure businesses today…

It became clear to me that many women (like YOU) deserve the same.

The Launch Lab was born out of this foundation.

Now all that’s left is for you to take action.


Remember what I said earlier?
What happens inside the lab, doesn’t stay inside the lab

…because it multiplies into dollar dollar bills!


Like how it’s been for them,

Imagine yourself…

  • Launching your business doors wide open and into seamless monthly revenue (so seamless you never have to worry about money again)
  • Ditching the loud silence and sell-it-for-half-the-price thoughts for effective, evergreen launch steps that you can use over and over again
  • Finally sending your passive-aggressive resignation letter and going ALL-IN on your biz
  • Saying sayonara to giving your whole bank account to Mark Zuckerberg and instead, magnetizing the right people through the right launch emails and social media posts
  • Nerding out on all the booming launch strategies, plans, and wins with a community of launch ladies who GET it
  • Growing your product-based business from what people call as a “mere hobby” into an EMPIRE with loyal customers who keep coming back for MORE

5-Figure ProductLaunch Lab

The ONLY science project in the world that helps you launch your products without the stress and own the chemistry of you and your 5-figure success

Are you ready to take off?


$697 AUD





4X Flexible Payment

$220 AUD



Ready for the lift-off but still got Qs?

Labs are built for the curious babes! Let’s answer them all.


Stress-free launching. Sustainable eCommerce business. Sold out products.

All without giving a buck to Zuck.

Your future self is thanking you right now, girlfriend.

No more freaking out.
No more launching that feels like science fiction.
No more building a business clouded with shame and suspicion.

If anything, she’s happy you’re taking a chance on you.

Now a question for you…

Are you ready to launch your products without the stress and own the chemistry of you and your 5-figure success?