What  if

What if I told you..

the secret to making a killer launch and selling your product online doesn't have to kill your vibe.

My course ‘The 5 Figure Product Launch Lab' is opening again soon!

If you have a product-based business and you want to know exactly how you can go from crickets to 5 figures for your next product launch – WELL, I am giving you my exact roadmap I use with my private clients.

Not only do you get access to the course, I will be coaching you LIVE via zoom where I be holding coaching sessions each week so we can go through the course together and I can support YOU!

If you are struggling to sell your product & launching overwhelms you – let me help you plan, craft and execute your next SOLD OUT launch.

PLUS the best part is once you nail the launch you can rinse & repeat for next time - WINNING!

Let's do this!


What’s inside the Lab?

My 8 stage Framework

Inside my self paced course you will get my exact 8 stage framework for 5 figure product launching that I use in my businesses and with my clients.

This self paced course is designed to be completed over 8 weeks leading up to your launch but can be used time & time again.

The Community

Business is better with a community of like-minded women. Inside The Launch Lab, you get to support and be supported by other women - business doesn't have to be lonely!  This access is exclusive through our Facebook group.

I can support you inside and will have live monthly Q&As to help you!

Learn New Strategies

The 5 Figure Product Launch Lab will give you the right foundational elements to understand what is needed to successfully build your online presence and to find the right customers before you launch. PLUS, I will be sharing all my secrets for you to use, which will make starting a whole lot easier.


Hi! I'm Kate McDonald,

I help women turn impactful products into lifelong PROFITS!

I am a Product Launch Strategist & Ecommerce Business Coach for Women Who want to Make a Meaningful Impact & a Killer Profit with Their Products While Having FUN

As an ecommerce business coach and launch strategist—not to mention a six-figure small biz founder x4—my secret weapon to success in the online ecommerce space is pretty simple. Ready for this?

To build a profitable, booming brand I combine strategy with funYou can have one without the other, sure. But you won’t get very far. 

Without backing your launches with proven strategies, the only thing getting you off the ground will be luck. And though strategy will support you on the road to results, you won’t be able to sustain that success if you’re overwhelmed and burnt out

That’s why I put the “laugh” in “launching” 😉

Ready to learn my exact 5 figure launch formula? 


Sounds like something you need, girlfriend?

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